> Liste des sociétés > lettre s > SERMA TECHNO N


30 avenue Gustave Eiffel 33608 Pessac
+33 (0)5 57 26 08 88
FR0000073728 / ALSER.PA

Présentation : Serma Technologies is an engineering group specializing in the electronic technology field.
Net sales break down by activity as follows:
-expertise and consulting services (47.3%): physical and electrical services and expertise for electronic components, cards, and systems, consulting and technical assistance for industrial processes, training, raw material receipt control, material qualification, chip security evaluation, etc.;
- electronic system study and development services (37,3%);
- design and production of integrated analog, digital, and mixed circuits (15,4%).
France accounts for 90.7% of net sales.

Plan siège social SERMA TECHNO N